Saturday, May 2, 2020

The Time COVID-19 Pulled Up & Wrecked

    As a college senior things already seem out of your control. You've only known school your entire life and this is the first time there is no set next. You can go to grad school...or you can not, you can get a job...or you can not, you can move across the world...or you can not. The world is quite literally your oyster, but for some (aka me) the limitless options gave me an overwhelming sense of anxiety rather than freedom.

I was in the midst of my quarter life crisis while attempting to balance savoring the last few moments of college with figuring out wtf I was going to do with my life, when the highly anticipated soon quickly dreaded month of March hit.

Anyone that has not been living under a rock knows March is when shit REALLY began to hit the fan. I went from (fortunately) celebrating my 22nd birthday in the beginning of the month to being evicted from my university and being forced to return to my childhood home within a few days like thousands of other college students in the same position .

I think it's safe to say things went 0 to 100 real quick.

My friends and I went from planning spring break and anticipating spring fling, senior week, commencements, and any other minutely relevant milestones to saying extremely premature goodbyes, moving hundreds of miles away from each other, losing prospective and even seemingly secured jobs, and transitioning to online Zoom classes.

Frat parties, clubbing, going out to eat, and even being any closer than six feet apart was quickly replaced with Zoom birthday parties, absurd amounts of screen time (@Apple i'm over these weekly reports let me rock!!), sourdough starters, and succumbing to making TikToks even though you previously told yourself...or everyone else you would never.

However; these inconveniences are just scratching the surface of what many people have been experiencing during this time. This time will forever be memorialized as a time of significant hardship, mourning, mental health issues, sickness, and so much more.

Living through this weird, unpredictable, and anxiety ridden historical event to be is difficult and there's no right way to do it(unless you're still unnecessarily out and about and if so stay home). This "new normal" (debatable if this is even normal yet) is different and while corona, "miss rona," "rona," or whatever nickname you've choose as your coping mechanism may have suddenly pulled up & wrecked your upcoming plans in the very least you have a phenomenal answer when you finally get a job interview & they ask you to tell them about a time you faced a challenge or conflict!

So be gentle with yourselves, take things day by day, & stay healthy!

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